Have you ever been at an impasse? It can be hard to choose how to continue doing what you love the way you want. Crowd thinking can change like the wind, and you may not always agree with the thought. These types of challenges can lead to several hard choices. We all want to be accepted and admired by our peers. But what about when the road our peers take is not the road we want to travel? I know these are challenging questions. I’m not immune to social changes and influences as a voiceover talent.
On the contrary, voice talent must know the flow and timber of public audio and stay in step with the best groups to further one’s business. This added pressure may cause one to take a step back to see what’s going on. As I resurrect my blogging, I want to share what’s been going on with me. I’m sharing how I believe you can get back to doing what you love in a way it may love you back.
Redefining the Love of Voiceover (or whatever gets you going)
We all have our joy triggers. Voiceacting gives me a creative outlet and a sense of accomplishment. But I’m not limited to voiceovers. Biking, traveling, writing, hiking, and drawing also give me pride. It’s essential to figure out what gets one moving and what’s fallen off the list. For me, I’ve begun to notice more of what moves me now as opposed to what moved me ten years ago, five years ago, or even one year ago.
Change with Age
Things tend to fall off our must-have and must-do lists as we age. Hopefully, most people learn to put their drive for money in check while managing the need for necessities, which will never go away. But the rushing to the next new things, faster friends, or being in the “in crowd” should eventually drop off to the things we used to do.
Redefining what is working can help whittle down the list of musts. It has taken me some time to revise my must-have list, and I’m happy to report that voice acting remains a must!
Remembering the Great Ones
It’s pretty clear that I’m a minority, but I don’t limit myself as a woman of color. For me, I’m most proud of being a part of my family. My relatives have made outstanding strides in their lives, and several with little education. For example, my great-grandma worked hard as a wash woman and saved up enough money to purchase several tiny wooden row houses (in her then small North Carolina town) to rent out the rooms. My great-grandma then when on to buy even more real estate and helped her children with college and even financed the opening of a daughter’s hair salon in Washington, DC.
Revise the Journey Ahead
Remembering my great-grandma’s life and others and reflecting on how they met extreme challenges still fuels me. Taking the whole of who I am and where I came from fuels me to look to the future with optimism. I don’t need social movements to tell me who I am or wake me to American history (especially since I’ve been an American and World History buff since my teens). Appreciating my foundations and knowing that I can still carry out my goals, even the new ones, helps me remember who I am and imagine what I’m yet to be.
Keeping in mind who I am, who I’ve helped, and what I’ve done helps me grow personally and professionally. My voiceover business is essential to me. As such, I strive to treat each client with respect and as if they were paying me many thousands of dollars for every job. This means being authentic to what I can and cannot do, how I present myself to the public, and how I take care of my voice-over clients and myself. The lady in my graphic (BTW, not me) has the right attitude.
Over time, I’m learning it’s okay to pull back on being a part of the hot groups and hot VO events. Not everyone in the business is a friend, but that doesn’t mean I cannot friend others. Supporting others, learning the things I need to know, and focusing on finding the right people needing my help are what continue to be my keys to performing as a compassionate, caring voice talent.
Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” Ashley Smith
That’s my Spiel
How about you? With the COVID pandemic, along with other social matters, I know you, too, have had to do some soul searching. I hope you’ve had a chance to give some thought to my journey and make sure you’re still doing what you love your way. Then what you love may love you back.
Break that lip!